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Hi! My name is Maria Shitova. My mission is to bring back to women the ability to take pleasure... take pleasure first in herself, in her body, in her feelings… and to give this pleasure to men. What’s my background and career?Psychologist, magician, mentor, certified specialist from Diamond Breath School Oshodiamondbreath (body-oriented and energy therapy) and neo-Reichian Pulsation (Aneesha Dillon’s student), Tarot reader, certified Lifespan Integration therapist (working with childhood trauma). How am I different from other women trainers?First, I’ve walked through this path myself, from the point when you don’t know what femininity is all about to the point when you bloom and start radiating bliss and sexuality more and more with each day. And now I’m in a position to affirm that absolutely anything can be learned from scratch. A woman who has initially enjoyed well-being might not be able to see the pitfalls or be totally unaware of what might present a problem for another woman. Second, my first degree is in teaching. I am very good at giving explanations and turning complicated things into simple ones. Not all the feminine women can take credit for this!!! Third, I keep on learning from the most powerful therapists, traveling to Italy, USA, and Switzerland to take the most modern therapies in order to share new knowledge with other women. Fourth, I approach femininity not via the mind, giving sophisticated definitions or telling fairy-tales, but via the body and breathing, which enables women to have authentic experience and later on talk about their own perspective on femininity. And now I share all I know with other women in order not to keep this joy to myself, to let women know how different reality might be, how you can derive amazement and enjoyment from your body and your sensations every day! What’s my professional experience?2008 – 2011 leading trainer at the Larisa Renar Private Lives Academy, teaching ‘Lover’ state. During my work at the Academy have given over 100 trainings and 150 workshops throughout Russia, the Ukraine, Estonia, and Kazakhstan. Since September 2012 I’ve been working on my own. Over the recent 2 years I’ve given dozens of trainings, workshops and consultations. What’s my educational background?I have a degree in foreign languages from The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. Psychologist, certified neo-Reichian Pulsation trainer (Aneesha Dillon’s student). Courses and trainings (over 80 since 2003) in: body-oriented therapy, breathwork, neo-Reichian Pulsation, primal therapy, women’s training, Dao practices, transformation, rhetoric, voice training, sexual practices, tantra etc. Love, Your Maria Shitova |